
Male Passengers Beaten in Ladies' Coach

Dear All,

This incident is quit old. But as no one bothered to write even a single word on this so I am forced to express my view over this.

One morning, when I switched on my TV set to watch some fresh news, I was shocked to see that some news channels were airing a video, in which male passengers were being beaten black and blue by female metro staff, female co-passengers. This was really humiliating for the people who did not know their crime was so much serious.

Later I came to know that the crime these people had committed was that they had boarded in the coach exclusively reserved for ladies. I am daily passenger of Delhi Metro from Delhi and Noida. I listen to an announcement hundred of times during my journey that male passengers should not board in coach reserved for ladies, it is punishable crime. But this announcement never disclosed the punishment for this crime is that criminal will be beaten and humiliated. DMRC has fixed a fine of Rs. 200/- for this crime and the same should have charged from them by competent authority.

But these people were humiliated, beaten by fellow passenger and metro staff in front of camera. Identity of a person accused of murder also is kept secret but these people were taught a lesson by self policing authority for such a small mistake.

I want to ask the authority responsible for this, Does these people not have any human right. If it had happened with a single female passenger, all human right & woman welfare organisations would have made so much hue and cry. But as it had happened to male, no one even bothered to protest.

Not even an FIR was lodged against this Gundagardi whose strong evidence is available on almost all popular video sharing websites.

Just 2 or 3 days before this incident, I too had boarded in that exclusive coach by mistake as metro was just to start and I had no option but to get in that coach. But as soon as I entered in that coach, female passengers in that coach started attacking me with their words as if I had committed very serious crime. Although that coach was very empty and maximum 4 or 5 ladies were in it and I had to get down at very next station. I was standing silently and decently in that coach but they were not ready to give it off. They were reminding me that it is ladies coach and i should get out of if. I kept on requesting to them that I will get down at next station but they were not going to listen. At last I shifted myself in adjoining coach then only they got calm.

Just before 1 or 2 months, when metro had not reserved any coach for them they used to commute with us and so many times I had offered my seat to my fellow female or needy passengers so many times. But today they can not tolerate even presence of a male passenger in their coach.

Is it the same India where women are known for their love, affection, sacrifice and tolerance? Where is mardangi of these mards when they are being humiliated so severely for such small mistake?
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